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It's a creative writing assistant. Generate characters, plots, and scenes -- then integrate them with our Character Driven story process.
You're the toughest critic. You're a creative writing talent, and you write because you want to achieve. Sometimes, you need a partner to help break down that occasional writer's block. The Fiction Magician increases and complements your talent through the application of these features:
* Character Generator
* Scene Maker
* Fantasy Name Generator
* Plot Generator
* Brainstorm Tool
* Free Association
* Sentence Generator
* Number Generator
* The Story Wizard
* The Crystal Ball to offer advice
* PsychStimulatron (Right-brain power!)
* Online manual
* Complete Writer's Reference
* Creative Writing On-Line Reference
* Complete database with user customization
* Application customization including personal messages and desktop
* Extended database
Over 2000 male names
Over 5000 female names
Over 3000 last names
Over 1300 job occupations
Over 30 religions
80 DSM IV Psychological Conditions
* Libraries of scenes, character, and plots.
* Story and Stage: Ability to combine saved plots, scenes, stories, and characters in a profile format. Brings your ideas together.
The enhanced Fiction Magician desktop allows you to view and utilize all of this powerful right brain enhancing Magic at the same time! The system's timers and random features allow long lists of all sorts of names, numbers, characters, plots, and more!
Give your Fiction a little touch of the Magic. It really works! You can count on the Fiction Magician to boost your creative output. Act Now! Order Fiction Magician now by calling 800-699-6395. Have your Visa / Mastercard / Discover ready to go!